NASD OTC to open liquidity window for investors in public unquoted companies

Indonesia stock info - NASD OTC to open liquidity window for investors in public unquoted companies ; With the expectation that Over-the-Counter (OTC) market will become operational next month, driven by The NASD Limited, stock market analysts say the platform will provide liquidity window for investors in public unquoted companies.

The NASD OTC platform, expected to offer liquidity, transparency and integrity, will not only afford prospective investors the pricing information and liquidity but also acts as provider of choice for OTC trading of various types of securities. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had in the first quarter of this year granted an Approval-in-Principle to The NASD Limited to operate OTC market in Nigeria.

“This market is also expected to benefit Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who are seeking to raise capital,” says Bismarck Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives Company, adding that it will “provide liquidity window for investors in public unquoted companies.”

Looking at the expected impact of the OTC market, Rewane related it to The Shenzhen Stock Market, the junior stock market in Shanghai dedicated to SMEs created in 2004. He said the market has listed 490 companies and raised $53 billion in the last six years.

On the stock market at large, he noted that there were only 206 (less than 100 actively traded) stocks on the NSE All Share Index compared with South Africa 400, and Brazil at 450. NASD will be providing capital raising windows to all qualified public sector and corporate entities, especially small-to-medium sized companies seeking to raise capital and for investors seeking to trade existing securities on a transparent platform.

It is also expected to provide a liquidity window for not only investors and fund managers who invested in public unquoted companies, but also expand opportunities for Pension Fund Administrators who are required to invest only in publicly traded securities.

NASD has said that through its platform, it will provide trading and price discovery system for equities, bonds and other derivative instruments.

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