what will happen to the stock market if the debt ceiling is not raised

Indonesia stock info what will happen to the stock market if the debt ceiling is not raised ; What big news do you remember from April 1979? That Iran voted to become an Islamic Republic? That a threatening swamp rabbit was stopped short of President Jimmy Carter's fishing boat? That Jane Byrne took office as Chicago's mayor?

How about the heated debt-ceiling debate on Capitol Hill up until the last minute, followed by some missed Treasury bill payments?

If the US does default and that actually leads to a worldwide economic collapse, it won’t matter where one has money. If it doesn’t default, or a default just affects the Government’s credit but does not affect the markets, one will want to be fully invested to take advantage of any resulting run-up in stock prices. If there is a drop, one may be able to pick up equities at great prices, leading to higher returns in the future.

Tensions are boiling over in Washington as U.S. lawmakers negotiate a plan to raise the $14.3 trillion debt limit. With an Aug. 2 deadline fast approaching, the U.S. government is nowhere close to forging a deal -- an impasse that puts its impeccable triple-A rating at risk.

A downgrade would be bad news for the overall economy on various levels. Much attention has focused on how it could impact consumers: Interest rates for U.S. Treasury bonds would rise, which would lead to higher borrowing costs for everything from home mortgages to car and school loans. And with a fragile economy still slowly recovering from a deep recession, such shocks to the market could send the U.S. back into a downturn.

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